Americans, we are taught that healthcare, like everything else about
the United States, is the best of the best in the world. The theory
of American exceptionalism that conservatives and tea party
aficionados claim as their own, has actually been around for as long
as, well, as long as the United States of America has been in
it is not until you step outside the country that you understand that
American exceptionalism in most instances is political propaganda
designed to keep citizens content and under control. Frankly, America's healthcare system sucks. America's
healthcare system is designed to benefit insurance companies,
pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and health care facilities and
doctors in that order. The patient, namely us, don't even figure into
the mix except as the main source of revenue. Heaven help you if you
can't pay or need a procedure that the insurance company, not your
doctor, considers too costly. The only option is to die.
advent of the Affordable Health Care Law, otherwise known as
Obamacare seemingly signaled the end of this backward, top-down
system. But big money makers like this take a long time to die in the
USA and healthcare as we know it is still hanging on despite the fact
that most citizens favor a single payer health care system more like
what is working in Cuba, except that nobody pays for healthcare in Cuba.
Santiago de Cuba |
is state run healthcare and everyone has it. It is free. Clinics are
situated in every neighborhood and I was told by the doctors at the
clinic that there is a physician and at least two nurses for every
150 families. All minor stuff, checkups, exams, minor emergency care,
babies born, are done at the clinics. Major medical procedures and
life threatening emergencies are done by bigger hospitals nearby. It should also be noted that Cuba encourages the use of natural remedies, accupuncture as well as other forms of what we would call alternative medicines. Doctors in Cuba don't just find a big pharma created pill to treat anyone and everyone. If a cure can be affected naturally, it is the one used. When
doctors finish their rounds at the clinics, they make house calls.
For real!
of the daily procedure done is preventive medicine. In other words,
if a diet change is needed or a young girl needs instruction about
birth control, or she's had a child and the baby needs to be breast
fed. These things are handled by the clinic personnel, who then
follow up when necessary.
should be noted that Cuba has one of the lowest teen birth rates in
the western hemisphere. Much lower than the United States. Their
health care system seems to be built around what is good for the
people and grounded in reality instead of pseudo scientific/religious
beliefs, put forth by out of touch xenophobes and religious fanatics.
get full and complete health care, as do men. The inequality of being
able to buy Viagra but not birth control does not happen in Cuba.
were told by doctors during our tour that Cuba does not have a drug
problem nor alcoholic problem. In answer to our questions we were
told that putting kids on drugs like Ritalin to control behavior or
adults on sedative type drugs is also not done, mainly because there
is no need for them. This is an official state mandated answer, and
we made note of it as such. We were also aware of the official party
representative in our midst who toured with us throughout the clinic,
quietly watching us as we observed them. It was amicable and
understandable given the on going adversary situation between our
two countries.
were told by our tour guide that doctors in Cuba make around $1600
per month, which doesn't begin to compare with what doctors consider
a living wage in the US. Our tour guides also requested that we not
breach the conversation with monetary questions and so we didn't.
Neighborhood Clinic in Santiago de Cuba |
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